Phillip Roth stands while he's working, and "walks half a mile for every page". Like others, Roth has a strict regime:
He works standing up, paces around while he's thinking and has said he walks half a mile for every page he writes. [...]
He has always believed in the separation of life and art. He keeps his private life strictly to himself and prefers not to work where he lives. In Connecticut, his studio is back in the trees away from the house; 30 years ago, when he was spending half the year in London, he lived in Fulham and worked in a little flat in Kensington; in New York, there were two apartments on the Upper West Side, one for living in and a studio for work; when he moved more or less full-time to Connecticut, he kept the New York studio and that is where we met to talk. [...] The lectern at which Roth works is at right angles to the view, presumably to avoid distraction.
The core challenge in writing is how to render life into art:
"I have to have something to do that engages me totally," he says. "Without that, life is hell for me. I can't be idle and I don't know what to do other than write. [...] I don't really have other interests. My interest is in solving the problems presented by writing a book. That's what stops my brain spinning like a car wheel in the snow, obsessing about nothing.
(thanks See Tshiung Han)
Apparently Virginia Woolf did too. See also: Walter Murch.
More how we work.
Posted by: WOLLMAN, BOB | June 22, 2005 at 01:44 PM
Mr. Roth:
I am a writer, living in rural Manitoba, Canada. Just finished reading "Plot Against America" and was intrigued by your references to Winnipeg, the city I was born in and raised. (Until I chose the quiet, rural scene). Have you connections to Winnipeg? Winnipeg has a very large and vibrant Jewish Community and thought perhaps you either visited or had relatives here.
Joanne Knowles
Posted by: Joanne Knowles | November 09, 2005 at 03:51 AM
Dear Mr. Roth,
You probably won't remember this but...many years ago I met you in New York. I was working my way through grad school as a receptionist at Dr. Robt. Spalten's dental firm. You were a patient. You walked up to my desk one day and said something to me which impressed me greatly and I responded, "Why Mr. Roth, I think you must be as smart as my father!" Do you remember what you said? You just smiled sweetly and said, "No, my dear, I may have done some great things in my life but I've never claimed to be as smart as a little girl's father." I've told that story many, many times since then. Even my therapist. She loved it! I've never forgotten it. and you. Thanks, Jeriann
Posted by: Jeriann Sharf | June 16, 2007 at 05:10 AM
Hi, Mr Roth.I need to exchange an e-mail with you.This would be the greatest favor in my life
Posted by: Sonat | August 24, 2007 at 07:13 PM
Mr.Roth ,
I've been reading a magazine about American authors ,together with my son of 14 years old , who is now reading James Joyce's book , "The portrait of a young artist", and he got very interested about your work.
We do spend a lot of our time reading , and he has a strong interest in writing . At this moment of our lives , we are living in Brasil , São Paulo , but we are moving to Canada , Vancouver , by the end of this year .
I was wondering if it will be possible for you , to give me an idea what it will be the best choice from your fictions , for him to start reading it.
Please , forgive me for my English , I am from Brasil , and English is not my first language , but my son is fluent in English .
Thank you for your attention .
Sincerely , maria.
Posted by: maria azevedo | September 11, 2007 at 02:00 PM
Dear Mr. Roth:
While in New York in the late 1980's I purchased a painting by your brother Sandy entitled "A Time for Art," from a gallery in Soho. The front of the painting carries a large "ROTH" in black capital letters. The back is signed "S. Roth" and dated "9/86." This dramatic 6' x 6' painting graces my living room wall.
I once attended a showing of your brother's art in San Francisco (likely, circa 1990) but have not seen or heard of any of his work or showings ever since.
Can you tell me (i) how he is, and (ii) where I might find other examples of his work - - which I adore.
Indeed, I love your work too. Thank you. Larry
Posted by: Lawrence E. Nerheim | October 30, 2007 at 05:49 PM
I well remember acquaintaince with you thirty or so years ago when I was working at the Hickory Stick bookshop in WashingtonDepot.
My husband Bill helped you out once in a while.
It is my sincere hope that all is well with you and that you still abide and enjoy your lovely place in Connecticut.
Best Wishes.
Posted by: Rosemary Dougal | March 25, 2008 at 08:11 PM
Recently watched a movie called The Human Stain and want very much to purchase your book of the same name. Would you please tell me where I can purchase this book in Nova Scotia Canada. I am from a very small country area with limited book stores. My nearest city is Halifax.
Thank you for your time
Take care
Posted by: Dianne Brewer | February 03, 2010 at 11:09 PM
I am from India. I am doing research on your works. My topic of research is 'blurring of fiction and reality in Roth's fiction'.Will you please tell me why exactly do blur reality with fiction?
Chandra Shekhar
Posted by: chandra shekhar singh | May 30, 2010 at 06:59 PM
What the hell? This isn't a Philip Roth page? The man probably has never even SEEN this page.
And let me tell ya, if Roth DOES have an email-- which I doubt-- ain't none of US getting it.
And if you want to buy a book-- look on Amazon! GEEZ!
Posted by: Tonya | July 25, 2010 at 03:13 PM
Stay calm Tonya.
Posted by: rodcorp | August 03, 2010 at 06:56 PM
pull yourself together Tonya.
Posted by: Winnipeg | October 21, 2010 at 12:53 PM