TfL's London Underground Corporate Identity Colour Standards (PDF) has it all, but in brief, these are the colours:
(from left to right that's Pantone coated and uncoated paper for print / CMYK for print / RGB for screen / Web safe for screen / Natural Colour System for paint)
Pantone: 470C,U / C56 Y94 K34 / R171 G102 B018 / 996633 / S 4050-Y50R
Pantone 485C,U / M100 Y91 / R223 G0 B44 / CC0033 / S 1085-Y80R
Pantone 116C,U / M15 Y94 / R247 G220 B0 / FFCC00 / S 0580-Y10R
Pantone 356C,U / C100 Y91 K27 / R13 G105 B40 / 006633 / S 3065-G10Y
East London:
Pantone 137C,U / M34 Y91 / R243 G186 B34 / FFCC00 / S 0585-Y30R
Hammersmith and City:
Pantone 197C,U / M47 Y11 / R245 G166 B179 / FF99CC / S 0550-R10B
Pantone 430C,U / K50 / R118 G123 B127 / 666666 / S 4005-R80B
Pantone 235C,U / C6 M100 K43 / R139 G0 B76 / 990033 / S 4050-R30B
Pantone BlackC,U / K100 / R0 G0 B0 / 000000 / S 9000-N
Pantone 072C,U / C100 M79 / R0 G45 B115 / 003399 / S 3560-R80B
Pantone 299C,U / C87 M18 / R0 G118 B189 / 3399CC / S 2060-B
Waterloo and City:
Pantone 338C,U / C51 Y31 / R137 G203 B193 / 66CCCC / S 1040-B80G
- Rather neat that the signature colours are used elsewhere: sign text is often in Piccadilly blue or Jubilee grey, danger signs in Circle yellow, First Aid in District green, etc... and the logo itself in Piccadilly blue and Central red.
- The web safe values for Circle and East London H&S [thanks Paul] lines are the same. (If you can use web-unsafe, go with something like FFD520 and FCB131 respectively. Mind you, if you're going web-unsafe then none of the hex values above are correct anyway...)
- The Natural Colour System explained (choose The NCS System in the nav, and then again...), via Ian Kelly
- Inaccuracies in other documents: note the Pantone and CMYK values for at least three of the lines on page 24 of this other TfL brand book (PDF), found via Google, aren't correct. For the authoritative documents, go to TfL's website here instead.
Don't you mean the Circle and the East London Line have the same websafe colour? I'm a bit surprised the East London didn't come out more obviously orange, but at least they don't connect at any point, so the potential for confusion is reduced a tiny bit.
Posted by: Paul Mison | August 23, 2005 at 02:33 PM
Thanks Paul, fixed.
Posted by: rodcorp | August 29, 2005 at 09:34 PM
2009 colour standards, more lines etc
Posted by: rodcorp | June 09, 2015 at 09:05 AM