Cities that walk: municipal Darwinism.
"The usual image of creativity is that it's some sort of genetic gift, some heroic act. But creativity is an import-export game. It's not a creation game."
Nassim Taleb: The Birth of Stochastic Science
"Globalisation has translated into a new assertiveness of cities" - ie cities rather than nation states.
Legislation that sets out the conditions and regs for puiblic sector contracts, including thresholds for tenders being published in the Official Journal of the EU.
An agency of UK Treasury, and home of the "Catalist" framework agreements.
For suppliers to the public sector.
Operation Safeguard spills over and prisoners are being housed at courts as well as police stations.
Do we need to measure those metrics better, or are we measuring too many of them?
A roadmap showing the BB range converging (unsurprisignly) on Pearl-meets-8700 - a narrow Qwerty with camera etc (those dates would be release to the first operator). No idea if this is accurate. (Recently: hybrid Indigo/Crimson?)
The concept seems problematic.