- I packed up some pots to take to a kiln an hour away. Wonder what % of them will survive by the time they've been there and back twice, and fired twice. I've already lost the best bowl, just trying to put bubble wrap round it. " I said "I'm not sure if it needs to be a low bisque fire because the stoneware's maturing range is..." and she said "I bisque everything at 1000 degrees" which made everything much simpler and was a relief. Ceramics is experiment and then hope.
- DanT went on a Proustian run down memory lane. Football365 is such a long time ago, its edges a bit hazy in the 20-year fog. But looking back it was utterly formative - you don't fully realise until much later. I learned so much from Dan, Danny, Simon and everyone else there. Dan's brilliant charitable project is to run a metre for every one of the 2.5m cancer sufferers in the UK. Running the world.
- Anna nearly reached a milestone in her retirement fund, which is great. We talked about how different ways of representing what your target is and where you're at today might be more effective at nudging your own behaviour in the right directions. Interesting behavioural design questions. (I mention this so I have an excuse to say that my bullet point is right next to Freddie Ljungberg's bullet point.)
- Work meetings that don't go well often reveal lines of political stress that were previously invisible to you, but equally often the fix is out of your hands. Good work chat with past, current and secret future collaborators.
- Time spent thinking about living in a forest: quite a lot.